Sunday, July 09, 2006

Here, Kitty Kitty

22nd June 2006. Back in the cottage in Hendrerwydd. The four kids sit still long enough for Jane to grab a photo. Jo holds Christopher at bay so that we don't need to nail him to the couch for the shot. Poor Elsa misses out on the lovely cat face. Posted by Picasa

Tractor 2

22nd June 2006. Another tractor shot. Apologies to all those who find tractor photos a tad dull. Posted by Picasa

Tractor 1

22nd June 2006. Jane and Jo go into Ruthin to get their hair cut. It somehow takes from 9:30 til 1:00!! Anyway, Richard and I are left in charge of the four kids and, bizarrely, social services are not required. We go for a two mile walk to a great pub that has a tractor in its beer garden. You won't find a finer beer garden attraction anywhere. Safe to say it was quite poular. Posted by Picasa

Not Jake

20th June 2006. Still in Hendrerwydd, this is a nice shot of Elsa. She's wearing her Jake jumper knitted by Kate but it's out of shot so you'll have to take my word for it. It's pretty cute. Posted by Picasa

Beer Garden

20th June 2006. In the beer garden of the pub that's next to the cottage in Hendrerwydd. Excellent pub, delicious food. Posted by Picasa


19th June 2006. Jane takes a picture outside a church in Ruthin. We've just been to the ice-cream shop. Katie has made very short work of it. Posted by Picasa

Grass Rolling

18th June 2006. Evie and Katie rolling down the hill in the back garden of the cottage in Wales. Posted by Picasa

Painted Ladies

18th June 2006. Hendrerwydd near Ruthin in North Wales. We've got a cottage for a week with Jo, Richard, Katie & Christopher. An excellent week enhanced by Richard bringing loads of top notch wine. Jane and Jo show off their artistic talents by indulging in some face painting. Posted by Picasa


4th June 2006. The picnic is in full flow, but it's not exciting enough to keep Elsa awake. Posted by Picasa

Double Trouble

4th June 2006. Evie and Evie on the bandstand at the family picnic. Posted by Picasa


4th June 2006. The D'Souza annual family picnic in Regent's Park. For once the weather was excellent. I think there were around 50 of us - Rosie will know exactly. A splendid day. Posted by Picasa


3rd June 2006. Elsa in the garden being serious. Posted by Picasa


2nd June 2006. Evie plays with her friend Isabelle in a park in Harrow. Posted by Picasa


28th May 2006. Stevie Pecs comes round for a curry and reads Evie her bedtime stories. This is two weeks after Bodiam but the bruise on Evie's face is still visible. Elsa is, as always, eating. Posted by Picasa

Bodiam Castle

15th May 2006. Bodiam Castle on the way home from Hastings. Fantastic looking building with a lake for a moat. This photo from Umesh shows Evie strolling in, unaware of what's about to happen. About five minutes later she falls backwards off a bench onto her head on the stone castle floor. Sickening thud. Gasps from everyone in the room. Not good. However, appart from a massive bruise she seems to be OK. Kinda spoiled the castle visit though. Posted by Picasa